2016年8月26日下午,学院在综合楼220教室举行外聘教师招聘面试会议,学院教学督导组成员和部分专职教师作为评委参加了会议。 学院对报名的30余名应聘的对外汉语教师进行初选,共有9名老师获得了参加面试的机会。面试中,九位入围教师根据学院提供的试讲材料进行课堂教学,生动活泼ppt课件令人耳目一新。经过7位评委的听课、提问等,最后有6位表现优秀者通过面试,进入公司外聘教师储备库。在座的评委普遍认为,此次选聘出的...
2016年9月23日,公司举行了中国政府奖学金来华职工入学教育,国际文化交流学院相关领导、管理老师及公司全体中国政府奖学金职工参加了会议。 会议上,陈凯杰老师就职工管理条例、课程教学、学位论文、奖学金年度评审制度、中国法律及学校的规章制度等方面进行详细解读,希望职工在华留学期间好好学习,珍惜自己所获得的政府奖学金。任惠莲经理在发言中,鼓励职工们认真学习汉语和专业课,积极参加学校的各种集体活...
9月13日至19日,公司员工足球队包含2名职工在内的16名队员和4名教师远赴俄罗斯,参加在萨拉托夫市举办的首届中俄老员工足球友谊赛。本次比赛由俄罗斯老员工足球联合会发起和主办,萨拉托夫大学承办,是公司老员工体育代表团首次走出国门参加国际体育比赛。 公司足球队先后与西安外国语大学、坦波夫大学、萨拉托夫大学足球队进行了3场比赛。队员们们克服了时差、气候等因素,在赛场上顽强拼搏,为学校争得了荣誉,全...
On the March 26th afternoon, the meeting between executives in CICE and representatives of international students was held as scheduled. Executives and department head as well as 18 representatives of international students took part in this meeting. In the meeting, representatives identify with teaching, management and services of our college, and raised some problems and difficu...
On April 14th afternoon, the water-splashing festival for Thai students was held in the college. Ms. Lu Momei was selected to hosted this activity. Executives, teachers and some international students were invited to the Water-splashing Festival.
From August 4th to August 18th, the 2nd Chinese language teacher training object for Dungan people was held in NWU.
On September 1st, the opening ceremony and military training mobilization meeting for the 2016 new students were held grandly on Central Square of Changan Campus.